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Song Interpretation Contest: Stage II

venue: Teatr Muzyczny Capitol, Big Stage, Piłsudskiego 67
date: 11 June 2021, 17:00
duration: ca 4 h 30 min
tickets: 80 and 60 zlotys, streaming (live): 25 zlotys

host: Ścibor Szpak
set design: Mateusz Stępniak
producer: Agnieszka Kozak

The Contest consists of three stages. In the first two stages, the performers are assessed by the Artistic Council, in the Finale – by the Jury.

  • Stage I – auditions without an audience – February 2 and 3, 2020
  • Stage II – 11 June 2021
  • Stage III, the Finale – 18 June 2021

After the initial auditions this year, the members of the Artistic Council of the Stage Songs Review: Justyna Szafran, Konrad Imiela, Mariusz Kiljan, Krzysztof Mieszkowski, Jerzy Satanowski, Bogusław Sobczuk, Cezary Studniak, artistic director of the festival, and Paweł Krupski, the chief producer, have qualified the following participants:

Malwina Czekaj – an actress of the Baj Theater in Warsaw, winner of the Leon Schiller prize,
Dominika Feiglewicz – an actress, graduate of the Krakow Theatre Academy, at the Słowacki Theatre in Krakow she is responsible for accessibility to people with disabilities,
Adrianna Górka – a vocalist, graduate of the Capitol Musical Study, participant in the 5th edition of Voice of Poland, winner of national and international competitions,
Dominika Kierpiec-Kontny – an authoress of the music broadcast and the project “Młoda choby starka, czyli Sląsko Bajarka”, leader of the band Sąstąd, graduate of the Music Academy in Katowice,
Jowita Kropiewnicka – a student at the Theater Academy in Warsaw, winner of the vocal competition Pamiętajmy o Osieckiej,
The vocal and instrumental duo composed of Kamil Owczarek and Lidka in the company of Patrycja Mizerska – Kamil Owczarek is a student of the Music Academy in Gdańsk, specialty musical, Patrycja Mizerska is a graduate of that university. They both have participated in numerous festivals.
Marta Mazurek – a film and television actress,
Katarzyna Miednik – a singer-songwriter, winner of many Polish and international festivals, student of The Capitol Musical Study,
Jakub Mieszała – a graduate of the Wrocław Puppetry Faculty of the Theater Arts Academy,
Patrycja Mizerska – a singer, graduate of the Gdańsk Academy of Music, awarded at many Polish and international festivals,
Michał Murawski – a graduate of the Białystok Puppetry Faculty of the Theater Arts Academy, laureate of singing contest in Koszalin,
Kinga Rutkowska – a graduate of the Department of Stage Vocal Music at the Academy of Music in Lodz, she represents the Operational Command Club of the Armed Forces in Warsaw,
Monika Zapaśnik – singer and songwriter, member of the HuRaban band,
Piotr Zubek – singer, winner of many festivals and vocal competitions.

Performers invited by the Artistic Council directly to participate in the Stage II:

Piotr Bumaj – an actor in The Polski Theatre in Szczecin,
Marta Dzwonkowska – the Girls on Fire vocalist, actress, linguist, connected with The Musical Theatre Capitol in Wrocław,
Paweł Kowalczyk – KOVALCZYK, a producer, composer, songwriter, laureate of many singing competitions,
Dorota Kuziela-Brudzińska – songwriter, composer, poet, multi-instrumentalist, winner of the Jonasz Kofta Grand Prix at the OPPA International Bards Festival,
LENDA / KOZUB – Paulina Lenda-Kozub and Piotr Kozub, musicians, laureates of this year OFPA, the singing contest in Rybnik
Judyta Wenda – an actress, vocalist, NOWA SCENA in Bydgoszcz,
Paulina Wróblewska – a student of the Theatre Academy in Warsaw.

Awards in the Contest

It’s 3 thousand zlotys for each participant in the Competition qualified for the Finale, and then for the winners:

  • Grand Prix – Golden Toucan statuette and 25 thousand zlotys
  • Toucan of Journalists statuette
  • Toucan of Audience statuette
  • The Society of Authors ZAiKS award for the best performance of a Polish song – 10 thousand zlotys
  • award of the Polish-German Polonica Cultural Association – 4 thousand zlotys with an invitation to participate in the 28th edition of the Rock & Chanson Festival in Cologne
  • award of the Polish Song Museum in Opole – 50 hours of a recording session in the Recording Studio (including recording, mix and mastering)
  • Radio RAM award – a RAM Session concert organized in Wrocław and broadcast on 89.8 FM and on the Internet
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