

venue: Capitol Musical Theatre, Scena Restauracja, ul. Piłsudskiego 67
date: Friday, 24 March, 22:00
duration: 1 h 30 min
tickets: 25 PLN

DJ Romek Rege plays after the concert

Punk and folk singing performed by the “Rebellious Backyard Orchestra”

Andrzej Zamenhof – banjo, bass banjo, vocal, Tadeusz Król – accordion, clarinet, tenor saxophone, Antoni Skwarło – drums, accordion, Ignacy Woland – tuba, saxhorn, vocal

Producers: Michał Litwiniec, Filip Surowiak

Hańba! is furious punk-folk singing, banjo, accordion, clarinet, saxophone and a big drum. The band members describe themselves as the “Rebellious Backyard Orchestra”. The protagonists of their songs stigmatise the evils of the world of the 1930s and 1940s – times far away, yet in many ways close and similar to our own: hatred, social inequality, chauvinism, and anti-Semitism invariably thrive, and the shadow of war is heavier than we have ever imagined.

In spinning a catastrophic vision, Hańba! is supported by poets (well-known: Tuwim, Broniewski, Ginczanka, and less known: Szenwald, Szymanski, and Wittlin). Establishing contact with the audience is facilitated by informal and affordable instruments.

This time the ensemble adds a fantasy element to their tale: the victorious Republic of Poland becomes the hegemon of Central Europe. The post-war reality, however, is quite different from what the propaganda promised. There are poverty, crisis, and shortages.
Do you know it? Of course not. So listen up. It will hurt.


photo Ignacy Woland

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