Kaizers Orchestra will play on 18 March on the Capitol’s Big Stage during the 44th Stage Songs Review. Cezary Studniak, the artistic director of the festival, can’t wait for this unique event:
It will be the only opportunity to listen the stage song in Norwegian! What a beautiful absurdity, they don’t understand themselves. Kaisers Orchestra is a radical dose of rock & roll, bizarre stories, eclectic arrangements and theatre. In Norwegian, I would say: er et spektakulært, ekstremt energisk og uforutsigbart band. I highly recommend this concert!
We will give you a hint: : “uforutsigbart” means “unpredictable”.
Kaizers Orchestra: European Comeback Tour 2024 – 18 March, 7pm.
Tickets can be purchased HERE.
Photo: Stian Andersen