Natalia Sikora
date: 27 March (Thursday) 2025, 20:30
duration: 1h 30 min
tickets: 60, 70 PLN
lights, set design: Marta Zając
costumes: Jana Krynicka
make-up: Kasia Marciniak
sound: Michał Piastowicz
vocal: Natalia Sikora
KAMELEON band: Mario Jeka (clarinets, saxophones), Piotr Maślanka (drums), Paweł Stankiewicz (guitar), Hadrian Filip Tabęcki (arrangements, keyboard instruments), Maciej Szczyciński (bass)
Twenty years ago, she sang sinister blues with lyrics by Witkacy and had Wroclaw at her feet. She was the youngest winner of the Song Interpretation Contest in the Festival’s history. At the time – an immensely talented novice, just before her studies at the Theatre Academy, today – a supreme artist, determined and courageous.
“Private Tina” is another part of her theatre-concert gallery featuring great 20th-century singers – music icons and figures representing diverse life attitudes.
From the beginning of her career, Natalia Sikora, endowed with a powerful voice, equal sensitivity and suitable acting skills, has created a kind of “The Best of Voices”. She knows that the future of music is only the continuation of something that began a long time ago.
She has sung hits by Ewa Demarczyk and Janis Joplin and impersonated Édith Piaf. Now, the Tina Turner tribute becomes a universal story of life “larger than life”, told through the songs of the US idol.
Natalia Sikora:
– “Private Tina” is not just a journey through the artist’s music and biography but a story about a woman who rose above everything she has learned, who was given a second chance in life and chose to use it, who dared to question her status, to ask questions and give answers. Does unconditional love exist? What is true happiness? What are honesty, awareness, creativity, charisma, intuition, intelligence, dignity, individualism, and discipline?
@nataliasikora #nataliasikora @hadrianfiliptabecki #hadrianfiliptabecki
Photo: Weronika Wojciechowska