date: 28 March (Friday) 2025, 18:00 and 21:00
duration: 1h
tickets: 10 PLN
direction: Mikołaj Woubishet
directorial cooperation: Dominik Fraj
script: Hubert Michalak
music: Franciszek Dziubek
set design: Marlena Zakrzewska
light direction: Przemysław Kobel
vocal charge: Magdalena Śniadecka
acoustician: Bartosz Wójtowicz
starring: Jacek Bąk, Frank Dziubek
produkcja PPA: Kasia Radomska
You talk to yourself to get your thoughts in order, to discuss a problem with someone you can relate to, or to drown out loneliness with a human voice. The protagonist of “the litany of john wayne” needs all that – and then some. His narrative explores issues of mature masculinity, marriage, fatherhood and responsibility for himself and others while examining his age and relationship with himself.
On his journey through tender masculinity – various meanings of which we currently discover – the unnamed protagonist sometimes runs out of words. And then he begins to sing.
Famous Polish songs, juxtaposed with the abysses of his life, gain new interpretations, expand their meanings, dialogue with the story’s form and become its integral part.
An elegant rogue, an aspiring gentleman and an ascetic hedonist – these and other facets of masculinity are explored and sung by the protagonist of “the litany of john wayne”.
fot. Monika Kudryk