
Gotta Admire The Prima Donna’s Nostrils

(the title of the play is also the title of one of the Tadeusz Brzozowski’s drawings)

Teatr Czterech

venue: Four Domes Pavilion, Wystawowa 1 (next to Hala Stulecia)
date: 18 March (Monday) 2024, 18:00 and 21:00
duration: 1 h 45 min.
tickets: 10 zł

concept: Justyna Oleksy + collective creation
performers and concept co-authors: Monika Ćma, Ewelina Dac, Elżbieta Dudź, Maciej Makosch, Katarzyna Mazurkiewicz, Anna Lorenc, Krzysztof Sztyliński, Magdalena Sztylińska, Lesław Zamaro
with the participation of Zespół Śpiewaczek Miejskich „Zdrada Osiedla”
guided tour of the exhibition (prelude to the performance): Justyna Oleksy
musical cooperation: Mateusz Rybicki, Marcin Zaremba, Agata Zemla
choreography: Magdalena Górnicka-Jottard
plasticity of the performance: Dominika Chochołowska-Bocian

PPA production: Grażyna Górka

“Gotta Admire The Prima Donna’s Nostrils” is a guided performance. The audience walks around as in a museum but follows a non-traditional and non-museum guide. It is the Theatre of Four, which, in the four locations of the Pavilion of the Four Domes, creates scenes closely related to the objects there. The starting points are the paintings and sculptures, the exhibition’s idea, the artists’ texts and their musical potential:

We begin with the motif of war, which was a kind of trigger for many artistic statements in the second half of the 20th century, and end with the Chat GPT in the context of an attempted conversation with Magdalena Abakanowicz’s ‘Crowd’ – in a context that also heralds war. In between, however, there is an ample visual and theatrical statement about abstraction: musically expressed and experimenting with words, as in the case of Tadeusz Brzozowski’s play, whose phrase became the title of the performance. We want to tell a story about individualism and individual sensibilities – in contrast to the social, unstable framework of present days, immersed both in the post-war era and the aggressive modern times.

fot. K. Gandecki (in the background, the sculpture by Magdalena Abakanowicz “Yellow Abakan from the collection of The National Museum in Wrocław – exhibition in the Four Domes Pavilion).

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