

Studio Theatre in Łódź

venue: Academy of Theatre Art, Big Stage, ul. Braniborska 59
date: 23 March (Sunday) 2025, 18:00
duration: 2h 10 min
tickets: 30 PLN
16+, violence, profanities, cigarette smoke

PPA production: Joanna Śliwa

direction: Cezi Studniak
music: Łukasz Wójcik-Zawierucha
set design: Michał Hrisulidis
costumes: Barbara Sikorska-Bouffał
choreography: Barbara Olech
vocal preparation: Marta Skowiera
director assistant: Waldo Bastida, Filip Wawrecki

Deputy Director: Waldo Bastida
Director: Maciej Bisiorek
Operator: Dawid Dąbrowski
Sister I: Michalina Dworzaczek
Sister II: Klaudia Kuźmińska
Father: Sara Lityńska
Director: Mateusz Rozwadowski
Prince: Magdalena Sękiewicz
Producer: Filip Wawrecki
Goof Fairy: Matylda Wojsznis
Cindarella: Zofia Wysocka
Stepmother: Ines Żuk

Cezi Studniak: We live in a time of acceleration and limitless prospects. We unapologetically flaunt the notion of freedom. Our enslavement has reached a completely different dimension, and we are doing it to ourselves by allowing social pathology to enter the salons and become a symbol of the possibilities. Violence has become entertainment. Humiliation is part of social engineering. Morality is an uncomfortable concept, to say the least.

Overstimulated people are unable to define truth, even personal truth. We have lost our reference point. Everything is equally attractive – and similarly irrelevant. Relevance devalues with the next click of the space bar. The threat of real war is drowned out by ruthless decibels of meaningless information quickly and effectively. The value system has disintegrated and is no longer necessary. Civilisation – the symbol of the power of the human imagination – has sterilised our sensibility.
Our evolution determines our extinction…

“Cinders” – Glowacki’s study of enslavement, lack of perspective, and unfulfilled dreams of a dignified life in the coarseness of deep communism – is a timeless fable about the need for compassion, kindness, tolerance, respect, happiness, and freedom. Without them, we will soon perish in this vale of tears.

The graduation performance of students of the Acting Department, Academic Year 2024/2025. The performance based on the drama by Janusz Głowacki.

Photo: Benek Rogala



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