
The Panel and Concert: Why Sing in Theatre?

venue: Capitol Musical Theatre, Big Stage, ul. Piłsudskiego 67
date: 30 March (Sunday) 2025, 19:00
duration: 2h
tickets: 30 i 40 PLN

script, hosts: Katarzyna Janowska i Konrad Imiela
direction: Konrad Imiela
charge of set design: Mateusz Stępniak
light design: Jan Jakub Frączek
video projections: Dorota Dalidowicz

cast: Angelika Cegielska, Marcin Czarnik, Krzysztof Głuchowski, Marta Górnicka, Agnieszka Kwietniewska, ŁONA (Adam Zieliński), Jan Jurkowski, Jan Klata, Zuzanna Skolias-Pakuła, Magdalena Śniadecka, Piotr Tuleja, Emose Uhunmwangho, Klaudia Waszak, Filip Zaręba, acting team from Szaniawski Theatre in Wałbrzych
PPA production: Kaja Gonera

A few years ago, as part of the 38th Stage Songs Review, we held the panel “The Power of Song” at the Capitol Theatre – to great acclaim. This year, we are returning with a similar meeting to raise questions about the place of song in a performance structure and the place of musicals in theatre repertoires.
Today, creators of many theatre forms that are not inherently music-based are more open to using songs as a major element in the structure of their work. More and more theatres want to have a musical, or at least a show with songs, in their repertoire. Recently, two drama theatres created one of the most popular shows in Poland – the musical “1989”.
What are the reasons behind the popularity of singing in the theatre? Does this have an impact on theatre education? What does a song bring to a performance? What does musical form add to a performance’s content?
We will seek answers to these and other questions from renowned experts representing various perspectives on singing in theatre. Live singing of songs performed daily in Polish theatres will complement our forum.



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