

venue: Capitol Musical Theatre, Scena Restauracja, ul. Piłsudskiego 67
date: 25 March (Tuesday) 2025, 22:00
duration: 1 h 15 min
tickets: 25 zł

DJ Ojomag will play after the concert

Adam Bławicki (saxophone), Filip Miguła (synth), Dawid Opaliński (drums), Rafał Krzywosz (bass)

PPA production: Michał Litwiniec

When academy-educated jazzmen stop playing jazz (because, as Maryla sings, “it’s been done before”) and rekindle the rock-electropop-hiphop club fire, the music lover’s heart dances and sings.
Sedno makes music that is both very modern and very old-school, drenched in eighties sauce up to the tips of their youthful moustaches. The pleasure of listening to this multifaceted sonic creature is all the greater because, in terms of inspiration and reference points (after all, as the late Quincy Jones used to say, not quite rightly, it’s always about the same twelve notes), Sedno is a master in his own backyard.
It’s full of old junk you can trip over, the goal is drawn in chalk on the wall, the neighbour on the fourth floor yells that it’s forbidden to play football, but that’s why the game is the best ever.
And after the game, you know, a smoke.

Photo: Karina Reske



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